
Darling Wisdom Academy offers a variety of scholarships and fellowships designed to help you and your family pay for the School. Scholarships and grants are types of gift aid that do not have to be repaid. They may take the form of academic scholarships, Sport Scholarships, and others.

Scholarships Sources

Academic Scholarhsips

sport Scholarships

Other Scholarhsips


  • You are meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards.

Guidance and Advice

Featured Student (Scholarship)

Contact For Scholarship

We are opn on Monday – Friday at 11am and 3pm, except on holidays.

Charlie’s Admissions Center


Phone : +211 922 000 000
Email :

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will the tour take?

Is there any parking nearby?

Can I leave my bags at meeting point?

Will the tour be cancelled due to weather?